Thursday, July 22, 2021



Are you original? Are you unique? Are you one of the sheeps in the herd? How do you cut through the noise and rise above the rest?

I had Daniel Vrangsinn in the latest episode of my talk show. According to Wikipedia, Vrangsinn is a Poet, Musician and Video/Graphic Artist. Believe me, he is way more than that. Above all, I am proud to call him a friend of mine.

In this episode, we talked a little about his origins, his latest projects including being an “Orange Ambassador” by Orange Amplifiers, an English Amplifier Manufacturer.

As a prolific and successful record producer, Vrangsinn offered these words of encouragement at the end of the show: “Musicians / bands who made it and who are signed by record labels are the ones with their own sound, their originality. Quit trying to be someone else, and start be original.” It’s a cliche, but there’s a lot of truth in it for everyday life.

For more of Vrangsinn, please visit

#talkshow #podcast #publicspeaking #broadcast #inspiringpeople #inspiringthroughwords #citymusicsingapore #encouragingothers #professionalhost #makingfriends #meaningfulcontacts #dontjudge #objective #findgoodinpeople #encourage #inspire #inthistogether

Here's the episode of the chat; thanks for watching and listening. 

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